What You Might Not Know About Fall Allergies

If you have allergies, then you are obviously familiar with how annoying and disruptive they can be. At any given point, you might turn into a sneezing machine with itchy eyes, a runny nose, and scratchy throat. The fall season is particularly a difficult time for those who suffer from allergies since many are sensitive to mold and ragweed pollen. However, there is a multitude of other elements that can trigger a person’s allergy symptoms and cause serious discomfort.

Below is a list of some of these lesser known allergy triggers:

  • Hay fever: Hay fever actually has nothing to do with hay and, instead, is just a general term that is often used to describe symptoms that often occur late in the summer. Ragweed is one of the most common causes of hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis. Depending on where you live, this plant tends to pollenate somewhere in the middle of August and generally continues to be a problem until a hard freeze. To control the symptoms of your allergies to ragweed, it is crucial to see an allergist for prescription medications.
  • Lingering warm weather: A lot of people might enjoy the warm weather of a prolonged summer, but unreasonably warm temperatures tend to aggravate the symptoms of rhinitis make them last longer. Additionally, mold spores get released when the weather is dry and windy or humidity is high. Instead of waiting for your symptoms to start, make sure you begin taking your allergy medication to prevent them from occurring. If you still end up experiencing allergy symptoms, schedule an appointment with your allergist to discuss other options for relief.
  • Leaves: Autumn leads to falling leaves and, while this certainly looks beautiful and is a quintessential fall image, it also means people need to rake leaves more often. If you are not an allergy sufferer, the only problem with this is that you have a little more work to do. However, for those who do have allergies, leave raking is a major problem. It can stir pollen and mold into the air, which can lead to terrible allergy and asthma symptoms. If you have allergies, wear a mask when raking the leaves, mowing the lawn, or even gardening to avoid an onslaught of allergy symptoms.
  • School allergens: Seasonal pollen and ragweed are not the only dangers during the fall, of course. If you have kids, you can expect them to be exposed to a vast range of classroom irritants and other allergy triggers, including chalk dust or classroom pets. If your children have food allergies, it is possible that they might also be exposed to allergens in the cafeteria. Kids who suffer from exercise-induced bronchoconstriction could also potentially experience severe attacks during recess or while in gym class. To help your child avoid asthma attacks or allergy symptoms, make sure they understand what can trigger them and how to prevent it. It is also important to inform members of school staff they frequently interact with and the campus nurse of emergency medications your children need, such as inhalers or epinephrine.

Regardless of the season, it is always possible for one to experience serious allergy or asthma symptoms, so be sure to visit a board-certified allergist who can develop a treatment plan for you, which includes medication and tips for prevention.

Allergy Treatment Services in Atlanta

At the Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia, we provide comprehensive treatment for asthma, allergies, and pulmonary conditions. With ten locations in the greater Atlanta area, and board-certified allergists, we are well-equipped to address the needs of allergy sufferers with a variety of effective treatments. You should not have to suffer through the uncomfortable symptoms of your allergies.

Reach out to our office to get started on your path toward finding relief from your allergies today and call us at (404) 994-3574.

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