How to Manage a Healthy Diet with Food Allergies

Living with a food allergy does not have to feel daunting, stressful, or overwhelming. Once you have a clear understanding of what triggers a reaction in your body, take the necessary steps to ensure you avoid interaction at all costs.

Here are a few ways to help you manage your meals without living in fear of the ingredients.

Read Food Labels

Certain laws and regulations have made it easier for people to identify which foods they are allergic to in the supermarket. However, sometimes it’s not always as clear as a peanut with a big ‘X’ going through it. People who suffer from food allergies should always read food labels just to be sure what they are purchasing is safe. The more familiar you become with food labels, the easier it is to choose items that are suitable for your diet and meal plans.

Avoid Cross-Contact With Risky Foods

Cross contamination, or cross-contact, is when an allergen is unintentionally transferred from one piece of food to another. For example, direct cross-contact would be taking the cheese off a cheeseburger. Indirect cross-contact would be using the same utensil to flip a hamburger that was used to flip a cheeseburger.

Inform the food staff of any food allergies you have prior to placing your order to minimize the risk of cross-contact with potentially harmful ingredients.

Know How to Recognize the Symptoms of an Allergic Reaction

In some cases, food allergies lead to airway constriction, hives, and even feelings of confusion or dizziness. Knowing how to properly identify when you are experiencing an allergic reaction is imperative to alleviate symptoms and adverse effects as quickly as possible.

Always Be Prepared for a Medical Emergency

Always remaining prepared for a potential medical emergency is just part of life when you are prone to food allergies or attacks. You are much more likely to remain calm and collected while administering medication or contacting the appropriate medical authorities in your time of need.

Contact the Center for Allergy and Asthma to learn more about the services we provide and how we can help you better manage your food allergies in everyday life.

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