What Are the Symptoms of Mold Allergies?

Determining if You Have Mold Allergies

Mold allergies affect many people, but often they may not realize the cause of their symptoms. Without knowing the root of the problem, it can be difficult to treat the symptoms of the allergy to bring lasting relief. Learn more about the symptoms of mold allergies, and common treatments.

Symptoms of Mold Allergies

The symptoms of mold allergies can mirror many other upper respiratory allergies. These symptoms can include:

  • Cough
  • Postnasal drip
  • Sneezing
  • Running or stuffy nose
  • Dry, scaly skin
  • Itchy eyes, nose, or throat
  • Watery eyes

Depending on the individual, symptoms can vary. More severe allergies can have more symptoms than milder cases, and symptoms may persist year-round or flare up at specific times. Symptoms can be more pronounced in certain environments, such as indoors or in damp places.

Causes of Mold Allergies

Mold allergies are caused by an immune system response to airborne mold spores. When inhaled, your body begins to produce allergy-causing antibodies to fight the spores. When exposure is done, your immune system will retain some antibodies that are designed to attack mold spores. If you are exposed again to mold, your immune system will trigger production of the antibodies again.

Mold is a contaminant that is found commonly indoors and outdoors. There are many types of mold, but only a handful of varieties are allergy-inducing. It is possible to only be allergic to a select few varieties, as well. Common allergy-causing molds are Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Cladosporium.

Treatments for Mold Allergies

Like other allergies, mold allergies are treatable. Commonly, they will be treated with medications including nasal corticosteroids, antihistamines, oral decongestants, decongestant nasal sprays, and montelukast tablets. Often, inhaled corticosteroids are the most effective, but tablets may be used when the allergy sufferer cannot use sprays or inhalers, due to asthma or intolerance of sprays.

The Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia can help diagnose and treat your mold allergies. If you are suffering from undiagnosed allergies, our Georgia allergists can find the cause and start you on a treatment to bring you relief from your symptoms. Contact our office today to arrange an appointment.

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